This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


- Zoom into the bag; take the MAGNIFYING GLASS (E) and the KEY(F).

- Zoom into the lock; put the KEY into the lock (G) and turn the key once.

- Play the HOS.

- Take the COCKTAIL UMBRELLA from your inventory, put it into the glass, and take the cocktail (H).

- Take the PINWHEEL from your inventory, connect it to the fan, and take the working pinwheel (I).

- You will receive the BUTTON.

- Zoom into the device; put down the BUTT ON (J) and press it.

- Zoom into the compartment and use the MAGNIFYING GLASS to bum the rope (K); take the LADDER (L) and the ROPE (M).

- Zoom into the device; connect the ROPE to the magnet (N) and take the MAGNET.

- Zoom into the holding; hold down the MAGNET to pull up the WRENCH (O) and take the WRENCH.

- Put down the LADDER (P) and fix the bolts marked in blue with the WRENCH.

- Move forward.