This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


- Zoom into the solar panel; take the RUBBER BAND (K).

- Zoom into the wheel; take the WHEEL (L).

- Zoom into the swing; take the COMPASS LEG LEFT (M), the WET SPONGE (N), and read the book marked in blue.

- Zoom into the coat; take the LITTLE WINGS (O) and move aside a piece of the coat.

- Walk down.

- Zoom into the shelf and connect the COMPASS LEG LEFT to the other half of the compass (P); take the COMPASS.

- Turn left.

- Zoom into the coat and put the COMPASS into the slot (Q); take the 4/4 BIRD (R) and open and read the note (S).

- Zoom into the solar panel; clean the solar panel marked in purple with the WET SPONGE.

- Walk down.

- Zoom into the floor; put down the 4 BIRDS and the LITTLE WINGS (T).

- Zoom into the floating island and connect the RUBBER BAND to the switch (U); take the CLAMP (V).

- Turn left.

- Zoom into the fence; connect the CLAMP to the wires (W)

- Zoom into the solar panel; turn the lever (X).