This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


- Zoom into the drain; take the HANDLE (E).

- Zoom into the trapdoor; take the 1/2 BOLT (F).

- Zoom into the mailbox; take the PRUNERS (G).

- Zoom into the vines; remove the vines with the PRUNERS to acquire the FLOWER (H).

- Play the HOS.

- Put the FLOWER from your inventory into the vase and take the vase with flower (I).

- You will receive the MAILBOX KEY.

- Zoom into the mailbox, put the MAILBOX KEY into the lock (J). and turn the key once; take the 2/2 BOLT (K) and open die present marked in green.

- Take the SCREWDRIVER (L).

- Zoom into the trapdoor and put down the HANDLE (M); put die 2 BOLTS marked in purple into the handle and fix the bolts with the SCREWDRIVER.

- Open the trapdoor; take the 1/4 BIRD (N) and take the GEAR (O).