This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


- Give the ROYAL KKTTKR to the girl (W).

- Zoom into the mirror; take the KEYS (X).

- Walk down.

- Zoom into the keyhole; put down the KEYS (Y) to play a mini-game.

- To solve this puzzle (Z), put five keys into the corresponding locks.

- Go to the Trophy room.

- Play the HOS.

- Put the items 1-12 back into their correct positions.

- You will receive the SNARE.

- Go to the Bedroom.

- Zoom into the window; move aside the curtains and use the SNARK to catch the gargoyle (A).

- Take the CAMEO 'FORESTER' (B).

- Zoom into the bear; put the 2 CAMEOS 'BEAR' and FORESTER' into the amulet (C) and take the CAMEO OF BEAR (C).

- Zoom into Isabella's feet; put the 2 GLASS SLIPPKRS on her feet (D).