This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


- You will automatically receive the INVITATION.

- Zoom into the satchel and touch it twice to activate a HOS.

- Drag the match (A) to the candle (B) and take the burning candle.

- Use the needle and thread (C) on the ball (D); take the baseball.

- Drag the clock hands (E) to the watch (F); take the gold watch.

- You will receive the BELL.

- Zoom into the book; take the first TOY and the SCREWS (G).

- Use the BELL on the butler (H). Put the INVITATION in his hand (I) and enter the Christmas Hall.

- Zoom into the presents under the tree; open the gift box and take the NUTCRACKER (J).

- Open the small box and take the GEM (K).

- Take the HANDLE (L).

- Zoom into the armor; put the GEM in the slot (M) to receive the SHIELD SECTION.

- Go right to reach the Kitchen Door (N).