This game will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


David Foster, tomorrow is the day of your execution! I saw my daddy last night. I thought he was chasing us but then I saw him. he wasn't scary. He looked like his picture but he was sad. Mommy was sad too. Daddy said he had to go away forever. I didn't know what to do. I want to stay with mommy but I don't want daddy to be all alone. Why does he keep going away?

There are so many pictures in my head. I want to draw them all. Sometimes, I can't find paper. When I think of a picture, so I draw it on a napkin or in Mommy's calendar book. She doesn't like that, but she says she loves my drawings. I wonder if I could be an aritst when I grow up.

Europe is a neat place. There are lots of pretty things, but it feels kind of haunted, too. I like just looking at everthing. That's how I ended up getting lost. I was trying to find Mom when I saw a boy begging for money on the street. Something was wrong with his leg. I felt like I needed to help him - I just wanted to make his day happier somehow. I gave him my coat, because I was worried about him sitting outside all day. He was really grateful, and he didn't even care that it was a girl's coat. By the time I found the hotel, it was dart out and I was freezing.

Emily and I haven't lived in this house for long, but it already feels like home. I've picked up a strange letter. It is addressed to my daughter, Emily. "Only the tears of her father will save this girl. You have one hour to find the tears, or your daughter will die", Someone told me this.

Glints show areas of interest, An eye icon appears when you can examine an area closer. A had icon appears when you can pick up objects. Access your inventory at the bottom of the screen. Select items from your inventory to use in the world. Search the screen. The arrow indicates that you can move to another location.